How to Sell Your Home Fast in Today’s Fort Collins Market

Thinking of listing your home? Would you like to sell it fast? Read this blog post and learn some quick tips on how to sell your home fast in today’s Fort Collins market.

How to Sell Your Home Fast in Today’s Fort Collins Market

Learning how to sell your house fast is all about understanding home buyers, especially what they look for, where they look, where to find them, and who they are comfortable dealing with. According to research studies on home buyer behavior, potential home buyers focus on aesthetics first before considering other important factors when buying homes. Also, most home buyers today are turning to the internet when looking for more information. Home sellers must then focus on these very important aspects. If you are interested in learning more, below are some of the most important factors to consider.

Improve Your House’s Exterior to Attract Buyers

Aesthetics matter more to home buyers than anything else. You must therefore focus on creating a lasting first impression if you want to attract more buyers. Although it is important to fix everything that needs fixing in the interior and exterior of your home, the exterior matters more than the interior because it creates the first impression. Drivers and passers by will notice a home with a fresh coat of paint and green, healthy lawn.

Before putting your home up for sale, paint the exterior, weed your garden, lawn your mow, plant new flowers, fix/change the fence, etc. Although these tasks may appear costly, it’s money well spent because it will definitely attract more qualified buyers.

Do All The Necessary Repairs

It is important to note that focusing on the exterior shouldn’t be mistaken to mean you should ignore all necessary repairs indoors and outdoors. You must make all the necessary repairs however small. Fixing leaky faucets, chipped paint, old light fixtures and backyard fences among other problems will suggest that your house is well maintained, and a desirable abode for a loving family. Focus on ensuring potential buyers don’t find any obvious fault in your house to allow faster decision making.

Work With The Best Real Estate Agent In Fort Collins Area

Its important to work with a competent real estate agent if you decide to use an agent and want to sell your house fast. The reality is that is not very hard to get a real estate license, and most agents don’t know much more effective marketing. The best real estate agents know all the best tricks for selling homes fast at a good price. They also might have more buyers that listen and trust them. A top producing real estate agent will offer you more value for your money because she will have more resources and a better reputation than typical realtors. It is important to note that serious home buyers like dealing with professional real estate agents and not someone who does real estate part time or as a hobby.

Use the Internet to Market Your Property

The internet has definitely revolutionized the way real estate is searched for and showcased. Home buyers today will most likely check the internet, before checking traditional sources of information like property magazines and newsletters. The power of the internet can’t therefore be ignored by a home seller interested in selling their home fast. There are very many tips to consider when you want to sell your home faster using the internet. Below are some of the most important tips to consider.

Craigslist is one of the best websites for marketing property. You must therefore make a point of listing your home for sale on When doing this, you have to specify you are the owner and the location of your home to increase your chances of attracting buyers. It is also important to renew your ad as often as possible to ensure your listing is visible. Make sure your ad post stands out above the rest of the listings by adding plenty of high quality pictures and ideally a YouTube video tour in HD.

Facebook is another great resource you can use to sell your house fast. Look for active facebook groups in your area and write a post with pictures and videos of your house. It is important to note that real estate investors are more resourceful than real estate agents because they usually have cash on hand. UseFacebook’s graph search to find individual real estate investors in your area. Facebook has many features that can help you!

List your home in specialized real estate websites. List your property in the top real estate sites including and etc.

Attend Your Local Real Estate Investment Association (REIA) Meetings

Every area/location has its own real estate investment associations. You can find such association if you want sell your house faster. This tip is extremely useful when you don’t want to hire realtors. Real estate investment associations have many real estate investors looking to buy homes. You can use such meetings to network with potential buyers.

Put Up Necessary Signage

You must also consider putting up signs and other notices.  You should also have a big sign on your front yard to make a statement as well as attract attention. Many prospective buyers and investors might just drive by your home and see the sign.


Motivate Real Estate Brokers By Offering Incentives

If you want your house to sell faster, offer a higher commission.  You can also offer other incentives such as an iPad, or a vacation trip.

But if you want to bypass all of the above mentioned tips on how to sell your home fast in today’s Fort Collins market, you can always contact us. Here at NoCo Housing LLC, there are NO fees or commissions when you sell your house to us. We’ll make you an offer, and if it’s a fit then we’ll buy your house and we’ll often pay for the closing costs too! This is what makes us stand out from the traditional method of selling your house. We can help you solve your property problem quickly and without hassle and it can be customized to fit your unique situation. Some of your options include our company purchasing your property for cash and closing on the date of your choice. 

We want to help you by making you a cash offer for your house. The process is simple, all you have to do is call us at (970) 744-4949 or simple Click here now and fill out the form to sell your house fast.



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